Planning Animegeddon ver.???: Rules & Ange Vierge Write Up (WIP)

Hello everyone. It’s been forever since I’ve posted about my for fan made card game Animegeddon. To keep a long story, about a year ago I lost my nth laptop ever and had to restart the game from scratch (this however, I’m taking full advantage of cloud storage). I’ve completed a few sets:
Madoka Magica (both the anime series and the third movie, might go back for the first two movies).
Little Witch Academia (both OVAs and will going back when more material is present)
Lagrange: The Flower of Rin-ne (both seasons)
Tenchi Muyo: War on Geminar (currently test playing)
Sansha Sanyou (Did this set over the course of last week to kill time before I could afford to get more ink; will start test playing hopefully soon)

Unfortunately, the unopened cartridge of black ink I found lying about my room expired two years ago and I have to wait patiently until I can afford a new cartridge. In that time I figured I do some write ups of the most anime of this season, starting with Ange Vierge.

Since I greatly doubt anyone else ever attempted to play this game (as it requires you do a lot of foot work to set up), let me explain the game’s rules and goals.

Each player spends a turn playing cards, playing effects of cards and trying to reduce their opponent(s)’s deck to 0. The most basic way to win this game is through damage, but that is also a doubled edge sword for each damage a player takes sends the top card of their to their supplies which they can use to play cards and effects.

Starting a game
For anyone who hasn’t played a card game before, you start by shuffling your deck. Out of fairness, you must allow an opponent a chance to cut your deck (place a number of cards from the top of your deck on the bottom). The opponent, as a sign of faith in that you’re not stacking your deck or otherwise not cheating in any way, may choose to not cut your deck.

Regardless of whether an opponent cuts your deck or not, you draw a hand of five cards. If you don’t like the cards in your hand, you may choose to put any number of those cards on the bottom of your deck and redraw that many cards once.

Then the players decide the turn order. You can do this through rolling dice, playing rock, paper, scissors, flipping a coin, etc. Once turn order started, the player who plays first starts their turn.

Each player’s turn is made of three phases: Opening, Action, Ending.

At the start of each player’s turn, they draw the top card of their deck and add it to their hand. That player also renews (turn upright) any exhausted (sideways) cards they control unless a card effect says otherwise. Effects that happen at the start of that player’s turn are played.

During a player’s action, they may play perform the following actions:
1.) Add a card from their hand to their resources.
2.) Play a card from their hand.
3.) Attack with a character that’s been in play since the start of their turn or has Reckless.

Adding cards to your supplies
In order to play any cards, you must discard cards in your supplies. While cards are placed in your supplies when you take damage, shrewd opponents may deny you damage for several turns until they are ready to end the game. Because of this, its the responsibility of to build of their supplies. Once each turn, a player may put a card from their hand into their supplies. In the early game, it’s best to toss cards with a high resource cost that won’t see play for several turns or any character or location you have currently in play or more than one in your hand.

Playing a Card
To play a card, you must discard a number of cards in your supplies equal to its resource cost, at least one of those cards sharing an element with the card (when playing a card without an element, the elements of the card spent to play don’t matter). You can find cards resource cost in the upper right corner, beside it’s name.

Example Resource Cost.png

There are ten elements in this game, each with its own strategy: 闇 Dark, 土 Earth, 火 Fire, 氷 Ice, 光 Light, 金 Metal, 雷 Thunder, 水 Water, 風 Wind, 木 Wood. Each card may have 1 or more elements though some may have no element at all. You can find a card elements below its name ascending left to right in alphabetical order.

Example Element.png

Once a card is played, what it does depends on what kind of card it is. There are five types of cards in this game: Characters, Events, Items, Locations, Skills. Each card’s type can be found on the left side of the card, above its effect (as shown below).

Example Type.png


Characters, events, items and locations are put in play and remain in play until they are removed from play by a card effect. Skills are put in the cemetery (you discard pile) after their effect has been applied.

Playing Multiple Characters/Locations with the same name
There is a chance that two characters/locations with the same name will be put in play under your control. Unfortunately, you can only control 1 copy of each character without Faceless or location in play at the same time. When you control more than one of either, you must offer (put in your cemetery from in play) one of those cards. However, you can control characters and locations that share a part of their name (being essentially the same character or location) such as the featured “Youko Nishikawa, Former Oujo” (shown above) and “Youko Nishikawa, Swimsuit Fantasy” (shown below).

Youko Nishikawa, Swimsuit Fantasy.png

Attacking with a character
A player attack with any renewed (upright) character provided they controlled it since the start of their turn or its has Reckless. When you attack with a character, you choose which opponent to attack and exhaust (turn sideways) the attacking character. When attacked, a player may choose to either take damage or block with a renewed character they control.

Taking damage
If an attacked player chooses to take damage, they take a number of cards from the top of their deck equal to the attacking character’s weapon and put it in their supplies. A character’s weapon is represented as a number before the “/” in the box on the right side of the card, above their effect (as shown below).

Example Stats.png

When an attacked character choose to block with a character they control, they exhaust that character. Then the attacking and blocking characters deal damage to each other equal to their weapon.

Characters & Damage
Each character can take an amount of damage equal to their armor (shown as the number after “/” symbol in the image above) before being defeated (being put in their owner’s cemetery). Damage dealt to a character equal or greater than their armor is called fatal damage. Also, when a character’s armor is reduced to 0, they are offered.

At the end of each player’s turn, effects that happen at this time are played and the next player’s turn starts.

Cards Effects:
Each card may have one or more effects (some characters don’t have any). These effects are divided into five categories: Action, Reaction, Passive, Keyword, Skill. Effects can be found close to the bottom of the card, above its subtypes.

Example Effect.png

Action effects are not always on and don’t automatically turn on when a condition is met. Instead, they need to be manually activated. You can activate an Action effect by paying its cost. An action effect’s cost is separated from its effect by a “:”. To pay a cost you may have to spend 1 or more cards from your supplies (represented by a resource cost symbol such as Resource Symbol 1.png), exhaust the card (represented by a Exhaust Symbol.png symbol) or a number of other things. If a character has an Action effect that requires itself to exhausted to activate, then that effect can only played if you controlled it since the start of your turn or has Reckless.

Reaction effects that only activate when you meet a certain condition such as “when you draw a card” or “when this character attacks”. Like Action effects, certain costs may needed to paid to play these effects. Reaction effects with costs will list its cost using the phrase “you may X” where X is the whatever you have to do to activate the effect. Reaction effects usually start with the word “When”.

Passive effects are effects that are always active and don’t be need to be activated. Some passive effects are only active under circumstances. These effects are denoted by starting with the word “While”.

Skill effects are the effect of skills and are active as soon as a skill is played. They perform a certain action and deactivate like action and reaction effects.

Keywords are words that represent common place action, reaction and passive effects such as Faceless and Reckless. As you can guess, keywords are always in bold font to make them stand out. Keywords will be accompanied by an explanation of their effect in italics and encased in “()”, but only if there’s room on the card. The primary purpose of keywords is to streamline the process of making cards and not have to retype the same reoccurring effects over and over again without reason. Some effects will affect cards that possess specific keywords and may even or remove keywords from other cards. I will add a glossary of keywords and their descriptions at a later date.

Certain cards will have effects that start with a in bold-italics and followed by a “:”. These are reoccurring action, reaction, passive and skill effects that can only activate or are active while a very specific condition is met. For example the pseudo-keyword Tsundere is a reaction effect on certain characters that activates when those characters attack while controlling a character with a specific name or subtype.

Example Pseudo Keyword.png

Playing Skills & Cards with Spontaneous
Skills and non-skill cards with Spontaneous are the only card type you can play during a phase other than your action phase. These cards can be played at any time, as long as you can pay their cost.

Multiple activated effects/cards being played and the Waiting List
When a combination of cards are played and/or effects are activated at the same time, a method called the Waiting List is used to determine to what happens when. Each card played and effect applied is put on the waiting list in order they were played. If cards/effects from multiple players are being played/activated at the same time, each player who controls said card/effect takes a turn putting either on the list, starting with the player whose turn it is. Once each card/effect currently being played or activated is on the list. The effects/cards that were placed last is applied/put in play first followed by every card after them in the order they were put on the list before until the effect/card put on the list first is applied/put in play. To remember this process, just think “last on the list, first to go”.

Each card may have 1 or more subtypes that places the cards in certain categories (some cards don’t have any). All characters will have 1 more subtype (including gender, race and occupation). Certain effects will affects cards with specific subtypes. A card’s subtypes can be found at the bottom of the card, below its effect.

Card Families
Certain effects will affect cards with 1 or more specific words in their name such as “Swimsuit”, “Bathing” and “Magical Girl” (represented by refereeing to the specific words quotation marks as shown here). These effects are unofficially known as card families. Cards that affects card families are usually a part of specific strategies (such as “Swimsuit” characters having reaction effects that activate when opponent discards cards form their deck or “Bathing” characters who have reaction effects that, when triggered, will cause an opponent(s) to discard cards from their deck).

With all the technical stuff out of the way, let’s dig into the meat of this article (and the whole point I started this post initially): The write up for Ange Vierge.


The following cards are a WIP based on the past eight episodes based upon memory. Certain characters will be missing based on the fact I haven’t thought up what to do with them. Cards are subject to change future at a date. (Whether I will post those changes are up to whether I feel like it or not).

The cards will be presented in the following format:
Element 1/Element 2/Resource Cost
Type: Subtypes

Due to me being lazy and not wanting to copy and paste a bunch of symbols, the following special symbols will represented through the below means.
Resource costs listed in effects: (N) where N is a number or the value of X.
Exhaust symbol: (E)
Ω: (Omega)
Α: (Alpha)

Almaria, Progress
Character: Female Vampire Yuri
Aerial (This character can only be blocked by characters with Aerial.)
Hunger: Discard the top card of your deck. (At the start of your turn, you may pay this character’s Hunger cost. If you don’t, this character must attack this turn, if possible.)
You can’t pay this character’s Hunger cost unless you control a “Saya Sougetsu” character.
When 1 or more cards are discarded from your deck, this character gets +1/+1 until end of turn.

Almaria, Bathing Beauty
Character: Female Vampire Yuri
Hunger: Discard the top card of your deck.
You can’t this character’s Hunger cost unless you control another “Bathing” character.
When 1 or more cards are discarded from your deck, target opponent discards the top card of their deck.

Sofina, Progress
Character: Female Vampire Yuri
Aerial, Hunger: Discard the top card of your deck.
When 1 or more cards are discarded from your deck, this character gets +1/+1 until end of turn.
While you control a “Almaria” character, this character gets +1/+1.

Sofina, Corrupted Progress
Character: Female Vampire Yuri
Hunger: Discard the top card of your deck.
Transform: (3), offer a “Sofina” character. (You can play this character for its Transform cost.)
When 1 or more cards are discarded from your deck, this character gets +2/+2 until end of turn.
While a player controls a “Almaria” character, this character gets +1/+1.

Sofina, Bathing Beauty
Character: Female Vampire Yuri
Aerial, Hunger: Discard the top card of your deck.
When you discard 1 or more cards from your deck, target opponent discards the top card of their deck.
While you control another “Bathing” character, this character gets +1/+1.

Sofina, Corrupted Bathing Beauty
Character: Female Vampire Yuri
Aerial, Hunger: Discard the top card of your deck.
Transform: (3), offer a “Sofina” character.
When you discard 1 or more cards from your deck, each opponent discards the top card of their deck.
While a player controls another “Bathing” character, this character gets +1/+1.

Darkness Embrace, The Black World
Location: Planet
World (When another Location with World is put in play, offer this Location.)
(E): Add a dark resource to your supplies.
When a card is discarded from your deck to pay the Hunger cost of a Demon or a Vampire character, heal 1. (Put up to 1 target card in your cemetery on the bottom of your deck.)

Code (Omega)77 Stella, Progress
Character: Female Machine Yuri
While you control a “Amane Ayashiro” character, this character has Fast and Reckless. (This character deals damage to characters without Fast before those characters deal damage to it. This character can attack and use (E) effects the turn it is put in play.)
“Amane Ayashiro” characters you control have Cosplay Parent. (Those characters are treated as Parents.)
When this character attacks, it gets +2/+0 until end of turn.

Code (Omega)33 Carene, Progress
Character: Female Machine Yuri
Aerial, Fast
Wincest: While you control a “Code (Omega)46 Xenia” character, this character gets +2/+0.
“Code (Omega)47 Xenia” characters in your hand cost (2) less to play.

Code (Omega)33 Carene, Corrupted Progress
Character: Female Machine Yuri
Aerial, Fast, Transform: (3), offer a “Code (Omega)33 Carene” character.
Wincest: While you control a “Code (Omega)47 Xenia” character, this character gets +2/+0.
“Code (Omega)47 Xenia” characters in your hand cost (2) less to play or Transform.

Code (Omega)46 Xenia, Progress
Character: Female Machine Yuri
Aerial, Fast
While you control a “Code (Omega)33 Carene” character, this character gets +2/+0.
“Code (Omega)33 Carene” characters in your hand cost (2) less to play.

Code (Omegea)46 Xenia, Corrupted Progress
Character: Female Machine Yuri
Aerial, Fast, Transform: (3), offer a “Code (Omega)46 Xenia” character.
Wincest: While you control a “Code (Omega)33 Carene” character, this character gets +2/+0.
“Code (Omega)33 Carene” characters in your hand cost (2) less to play or Transform.

Code (Omega)33 Carene & Code (Omega)46 Xenia, Xerene
Dark/Thunder/9 8/8
Character: Female Machine Yuri
Aerial, Fast, Transform: (5), offer a “Code (Omege)33 Carene” character and a “Code (Omega)46 Xenia” character.
When this character is defeated, put up to 1 “Code (Omega)33 Carene” character and up to 1 “Code (Omega)46 Xenia” character in play from your cemetery.

Code (Omega)33 Carene, Bathing Beauty
Character: Female Machine Yuri
Aerial, Fast
While you control another “Bathing” character, this character get +2/+0.
“Bathing” characters in your hand cost (1) less to play. (To a minimum of (1).)

Code (Omega)33 Carene, Corrupted Bathing Beauty
Character: Female Machine Yuri
Aerial, Fast, Transform: (3), offer a “Code (Omega)33 Carene” character.
While you control aother “Bathing” character, this character gets +1/+0 for every seven cards in each opponent’s cemetery.
“Bathing” characters in your hand cost (1) less to play or Transform for every seven cards in each opponent’s cemetery. (To a minimum of (1).)

Code (Omega)46 Xenia, Bathing Beauty
Character: Female Machine Yuri
Aerial, Fast
While you control another “Bathing” character, this character gets +1/+0.
“Bathing” characters in your hand cost (1) less to play. (To a minimum of (1).)

Code (Omega)46 Xenia, Corrupted Bathing Beauty
Character: Female Machine Yuri
Aerial, Fast, Transform: (3), offer a “Code (Omega)46 Xenia” character.
While you control another “Bathing” character, this character gets +1/+0 for every seven cards in each opponent’s cemetery.
“Bathing” characters in your hand cost (1) less to play or Transform for every seven cards in each opponent’s cemetery. (To a minimum of (1).)

System White Eguma, The White World
Location: Planet
(E): Add a thunder resource to your supplies.
Machines you control have Reckless.

Elel, Progress
Character: Female Angel Yuri
This character gets +1/+0 for each other character you control that shares a subtype with this character.
While you control a “Progress” character that doesn’t share a subtype with this character, this characters has Cosplay X where X is the subtypes of “Progress” characters you control doesn’t share with this character.

Elel, Bathing Beauty
Fire/Water/2 1/1
Character: Female Angel Yuri
When this character deals damage11 to a player, that player discards the top card of their for each character you control that shares a subtype with this character.
While you control a “Bathing” character that doesn’t share a subtype with this character, this character has Cosplay X where X is the subtypes each “Bathing” character you control doesn’t share with this character.

Ramiel, Progress
Character: Female Angel
While you control a “(Alpha) Driver” character, this character gets +1/+0 and has Aerial.
When you draw 1 or more cards, this character gets +1/+0 until end of turn.

Ramiel, Corrupted Progress
Character: Female Angel
Aerial, Transform: (3), offer a “Ramiel” character.
When this character attacks, discard the top card of your deck.
When 1 or more cards are discarded from the top of your deck, this character gets +1/+0 until end of turn.

Ramiel, Bathing Beauty
Character: Female Angel Yuri
While you control another “Bathing” character, this character gets +1/+0 and has Aerial.
When you draw 1 or more cards, target opponent discards the top card of their deck.

Ramiel, Corrupted Bathing Beauty
Character: Female Angel Yuri
Aerial, Transform: (3), offer a “Ramiel” character.
When this character attacks, each player discards the top card of their deck.
When a player discards 1 or more cards from their deck, this character gets +1/+0 until end of turn.

Terra Rubiri, The Red World
Location: Planet
(E): Add a fire resource to your supplies.
Angels and Deities you control get +1/+0.

Nya Lapucea, Progress
Character: Female Human Soldier Yuri
This character gets +1/+1 for every three “Progress” characters you control.
While you control a “Amane Ayashiro” character, this character costs (1) less to play.

Nya Lapucea, Bathing Beauty
Character: Female Human Soldier Yuri
This character gets +1/+1 for every seven cards in each opponent’s cemetery.
While you control a “Bathing” character, this character costs (1) less to play.

Eins Exaura, Progress
Character: Female Human Soldier
This character gets +1/+1 for every two”Progress” characters you control.
When this character is put in play, put a number of “Progress” characters with a combined weapon of  1 or less in play from your hand.

Eins Exaura, Corrupted Progress
Character: Female Human Soldier
Aerial, Transform: (3), offer a “Eins Exaura” character.
This character gets +1/+1 for every Soldier you control.
When this character is put in play, put a number of Soldiers with a combined weapon of 2 or less in play from your hand.

Eins Exaura, Bathing Beauty
Water/Wind/3 2/2
Character: Female Human Soldier Yuri
This character gets +1/+1 for every five cards in each opponent’s cemetery.
When this character is put in play, put a number of “Bathing” characters with a combined weapon of 1 or less in play from your hand.

Eins Exaura, Corrupted Bathing Beauty
Character: Female Human Soldier Yuri
Aerial, Transform: (3), offer a “Eins Exaura” character.
This character gets +1/+1 for every three cards in each opponent’s cemetery.
When this character is put in play, put a number of “Bathing” characters with a combined Weapon of 2 or less in play from your hand.

Mayuka Sanagi, Corrupted Progress
Character: Female Human Soldier Yuri
Wincest: While you control a “Ageha Sanagi” character, this character gets +1/+1.
Reveal this card from your hand: “Ageha Sanagi” characters in your hand get -1/-0 until end of turn.

Ageha Sanagi, Corrupted Progress
Character: Female Human Soldier Yuri
Wincest: While you control a “Mayuka Sanagi” character, this character gets +1/+1.
Reveal this card from your hand: “Mayuki Sanagi” characters in your hand get -1/-0 until end of turn.

Mayuka Sanagi, Bathing Beauty
Character: Female Human Soldier Yuri
While you control another “Bathing” character, this character gets +1/+1.
Reveal this card from your hand: “Bathing” characters in your hand get -1/-0 until end of turn.

Ageha Sanagi, Bathing Beauty
Character: Female Human Soldier Yuri
While you control another “Bathing” character, this character gets +1/+1.
Reveal this card from your hand: “Bathing” characters in your hand get -1/-0 until end of turn.

Grunewald Silt, The Green World
Location: Planet
(E): Add a wind resource to your supplies.
Soldiers in your hand get -1/-0.

Saya Sougetsu, Progress
Character: Female Human Yuri
This character gets +1/+1 for every seven cards in your hand.
While you control a “Amane Ayashiro” character, this character has “At the start of your turn, draw an additional card”.

Saya Sougetsu, Bathing Beauty
Character: Female Human Yuri
This character gets +1/+1 for every seven cards in each opponent’s cemetery.
While you control another “Bathing” character you control, this character has “When you draw 1 or more cards, target opponent discards the top card of their deck.”

Amane Ayaashiro, (Alpha) Driver
No Element/2
Character: Female Human Yuri
When this character is discarded from your supplies to play a “Progress” character, it is treated as having the same elements as the character being played.
“Progress” characters you control get +1/+0.

Amane Ayaashiro, Bathing Beauty
Character: Female Human Yuri
When this character is discarded from your resources to play a “Bathing” character, this character has the same elements as the character being played.
Other “Bathing” characters you control get +1/+0.

Earth, The Blue World
Location: Planet
(E): Add a light resource to your supplies.
(E): Add a resource of any element to your supplies with “Spend this resource only to play a non-Alien character.”

That’s all for now. I need to walk some dogs and give my laptop a moment too cool down. I’ll post some more later. Got any ideas, don’t be afraid to post them!


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